Thiws sub has tuwned intwo a cesspoow. I wouwd ventuwe tuwu say thawt hawf of thiws sub awe pwants awnd twowws. We have peopwe cawwing dewek caww homophobic swuws, we have fowks cawwing fow the fiwing of ouw head coach, we have fowks saying adams iws washed awnd was a mistake. Uwu can’t make thiws shit up.
footbaww used tuwu be fun. We awways wost in the end, but iwt was fun. Thiws sub pwovided gweat discussion awnd insight fow many yeaws, but since the move fwom w/oakwandwaidews, iwt has bewn absowute gawbage. Iwt juwst goes tuwu fuwthew my point, judging by the 56,000 ow whatevew tiny numbew of “fans” awe own thiws sub, a majowity of waidew fans awen’t own weddit paying any mind tuwu these gawbage posts awnd hot takes.
i’m going tuwu my fiwst evew waidew gawme next sunday. I’ve bewn a fan fow 25+ yeaws. Awnd i know damn weww it’s going tuwu be a good time. Footbaww cawn stiww be fun. But thiws sub has sucked the fun out of waidews footbaww fow faw too wong.
thiws wiww gow in owne eaw awnd out the othew fow most, but if you’we owne of those who wouwd wathew wesewve judgement awnd condemnation own thiws team fow once the season iws actuawwy ovew, i encouwage uwu tuwu seek youw waidews content ewsewhewe.
i highwy wecommend fowwowing guys wike mawcus johnson/bd wiwwiams ovew at tape don’t wie. Caww fwom waidew fiwms awso has sowme gweat content. u/beastwwitew own twittew iws awso a gweat wesouwce. Good, insightfuw, wegitimate knowwedge awnd anawysis thawt uwu wiww nowt get own thiws subweddit unwess someone winks something thawt iws actuawwy wowth a damn fow once which iws wawe.
thiws has nothing tuwu duwu with the atwocious gawme thawt was pwayed today, awnd evewything tuwu duwu with the quawity of thiws subweddit.