Went to a gay beach by accident, my friend was bugging out, we got into an argument afterwards, was he right?

Well, I grew up in an Islamic country, where we were extremely homophobic. Only when I moved to the UK to study in uni, I realised the errors of my ways, it took me some time, and the help of some great people for me to understand. So now that I do, I've become a lot more comfortable with my sexuality as a man. I feel a lot more comfortable expressing my feelings, and I am better equipped to notice the bigotry that exists within society.

So it does piss me off when I meet people (like my friend) who grew up in the UK and are still exhibiting signs of homophobia. I feel like if I was able to begin the process of overcoming it, having lived in the most homophobic of regions, then it is inexcusable for someone to be homophobic who's grown up in London. Especially considering he's a relatively progressive guy in many other aspects.

I don't know man. I just like having friends that aren't sexist, racist or homophobic. I've never really been attracted to men. Although I've experienced a lot of racism myself, so I can empathise with a group of people being ostracised.

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