I went to the gym high yesterday and people were staring at me?

TL;DR - Be safe and courteous when toking and exercising. Also, I'm at about a [3] right now.

You were probably just a little paranoid because you were baked (an [8] is nice haha). I'm bored tho so I'll throw my 2 cents at ya.

I've exercised for ~5 days a week every year since I was a 15 year old freshman high school football player. I didn't start smoking until I was 20 years old (I'm 24 now). Now that I'm officially an ent I smoke every single time before I exercise, 5 days a week. I'm also a senior Exercise Physiology major at Kent State University, but that's besides the point I'm trying to make... lol

From my personal experience in the gym, as both a non-smoker and as a smoker, I can assure you that one thing is true - PEOPLE STARE. We all do it, I don't care who you are... I know that when I'm at the gym I have a hard time keeping my eyes off of attractive females (who are more than likely wearing yoga pants). And at just about any gym there will always be bros who will size you up because they have their testosterone flowing and because that is simply the atmosphere of a gym! People are usually pretty chill when working out but it's human nature to be interested in other people - especially when we're getting all sweaty and swoll and ESPECIALLY when you smell like dank.

Now I'm not here to tell anyone how baked they should get but I like to keep myself around a [6] when I workout. A [6]ish is good number because it's safe. People should take precautions when running, lifting, or doing any type of physical activity while on ANY medication. Our favorite flower is no exception to this rule. So I feel confident when I say that getting too lifted before lifting can be dangerous. So just be careful! A [6] is also cool because it's considerate of other people. A gym is a public place and not everyone likes the smell of marijuana. It's easy to forget that because we LOVE the smell so much! So I carry some Axe in my gym bag, I pop in some eyedrops, and I chew some gum before I get started with my workout.

Anyways, I kinda went on rant here. I should be studying but Adderall makes me so talkative haha. It's only the second week of the semester and procrastination has already settled in... Lol. I just wanted to offer my insight.

Toke responsibly my frients :)

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