We're already seeing it

Having worked at GS and other banks and had personal interaction with a wide spectrum of people (politically, ideologically, and racially), I feel like you've got a chip on your shoulder, mate. These people did a lot that's wrong, and they were called out for it. I agree that there are things that Blankfein, et. al. do wrong, but they're not outright laundering money. If they were, they would crash fast, trust me. You think Madoff getting caught was "selective enforcement"? What about Enron in 2002? Ponzi schemes and insider trading are legitimate crimes that are swiftly dealt with, regardless of race.

You seem to be out against big businesses. Just because their actions hurt the individual in certain regions and/or affect small businesses' and otherwise-small enterprises' employee quality of life doesn't mean that what these large firms do is outright illegal. OTOH what Rajaratnam and Goyal—among others—did was certainly illegal, as was what Madoff did. They were all stopped. Even Martha Stewart was disciplined for insider trading (albeit less severely). I would appreciate hearing a solid defense, because I really think that your "selective enforcement" here is simply confirmation bias based on a Texas sharpshooter argument, as it were.

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