We're Deprecating HTTP And It's Going To Be Okay

Your tone ('Yeesh') was what bothered me more than your point. Also, I realize it isn't just Mozilla, but this subthread was focusing on them so I did the same - 'Mozilla and friends', then. Furthermore, I disagree with the premise of the project (particularly the 'depreciation' of HTTP) and I don't WANT to contribute. Not everything needs to be encrypted, and even if it did I don't think letsencrypt is going to solve everyone's problems in that regard. This project, like so many FOSS projects, starts from a well-meaning place but seems to just needlessly fragment and complicate the software landscape.

Really though, I mostly just HATE the guilt-tripping smugness that you and so many FOSS diehards resort to whenever one of your precious projects is criticized. People doing work for free doesn't make them saints and it certainly doesn't automatically make their work worthwhile. People not wanting to help them are not automatically lazy/entitled or anything else. SOMETIMES, open source projects are amazing and worthwhile. Most of the ones I've used end up being half-baked attempts to reinvent the wheel for the hundredth time, and the persistence of such projects holds back the FOSS community more than it helps it. And people slavishly defend this, and ignore any flaws in the system, because they think that the 'freedom' of those projects somehow automatically makes them immune to technical deficiencies. "Well, they might be better if YOU would contribute!", right? Wrong. Most of them shouldn't be major projects in the first place, and no amount of contribution is going to make an inappropriate solution appropriate. And more than that, it's not my responsibility to help someone finish their hobby project. If the 1000th desktop environment someone hacked up is shit, I am perfectly free to say it's shit without being obligated to help whichever teenager shat it out clean up their mess. Similarly, I am free to criticize letsencrypt and Mozilla's plans regarding HTTP without having to help them work on the very plan that I just said was a bad idea.

/r/programming Thread Parent Link - konklone.com