The "we're the only animal that drinks other animals' milk" argument for why we shouldn't drink milk is fucking stupid

Wow it’s almost like we bred cows far beyond their natural selves to maximize production and yield without concern for their wellbeing

Bulls are so fucking big because we made them that way to get more meat.

Babies would be born healthy regardless if we just left the fucking cows alone.

“Dairy cows” probably have such bad paternal instincts because of their kids keep getting stolen.

Calves wouldn’t need to be bottlefed if we didn’t steal the milk their moms make for them.

Just because you haven’t seen cows milked until they bleed doesn’t mean it’s false, if a tree falls in a forest with nobody around it still makes a noise.

Heifers need to be milked because we bred them to produce an unnatural amount of milk FOR THEIR BABIES THAT WE STEAL

Regardless of however you justify it the animals are still being raped and murdered for absolutely no reason. Could you imagine if someone tried to use the same arguments for humans? They’d be labeled a psychopath! But it’s okay to do it to other living things just because they don’t look or act like us.

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