We're only helping his channel

Page views are worthless. In business it is common knowledge that the worst customer is a customer who does not return. You can't have a business that says "I am going to do whatever I want and fuck the customer." Look what happened to Microsoft when they released the XBOX ONE with the whole "You will do what we say" attitude. Crumps uses this argument because he has nothing else to defend himself with and you eat it up. Page views don't mean shit. A consistent viewer is what makes money, rotating door customers have a minor impact. Crumps works in the service industry and forget whatever he tells you. It may be HIS channel and HIS rules, however the public are HIS customers. If the service he provides is shit, people are going to vocalize it. That is business... If Crumps equates page views to success, it is easy to tell why his business lacks any potential for longevity.... In fact, it's not even too late for Crumps... all he needs to do is take a month off, state he needs to re-evaluate his business and his presentation and make more of an effort to understand that 'chat-is-chat' and just deal with it. If he wants to be this obscure nothing in his business, then he can continue on the path he is on. He doesn't have much time left and his statistically losing subs and viewers by the month... However a lot of the people in this reddit and ex-viewers would probably be happy to watch him again, if he could gain even an ounce of self-awareness, cut the self-centred man-child crap and put on a show worth viewing. It may be Crump-Plays____ but the rest of the world is World-Watches-Crumps, if crumps is allowed to comment, than so are we. End of discussion.

/r/Crumps2 Thread Parent Link - twinge.tv