"We were the party of civil rights. We can be that party again."

Let's look into the archives of "The Freemen", issued by the FEE, the oldest and perhaps most influential libertarian think tank according to Murray Rothbard and Hayek.

Founding president Leonard E. Read compares African Americans to wild animals:

There would be no tigers in zoos if they remained as ferocious as when first captured...There never would have been any Negro slavery in the United States had the Negroes remained as intractable as when first taken from their African habitat. But, like the tigers, most of them soon lost consciousness of a freedom greater than the enslavement into which they were plunged. They became accustomed to their lot and, for the most part, accepted it. Source.

Writing in favor of racial segregation in public schools:

Is not this opinion clearly discriminatory against the Negro race? It is, beyond question, based on the idea that the exclusive company of Negroes in school is somehow lacking in educational opportunity. Source.

An article against LGBT rights, including marriage:

There is something about encountering homosexuality in its militant and pugnacious form that touches a deep, almost reflexive anger, even among most heterosexual liberals. That is why attempts at “mainstreaming” gay culture, even when holding an olive branch, are bound to fail. Source.

An article against women's lib:

Given the opportunity of serving under a woman holding a B.A. or a man holding a B.A., most women, I think it is safe to say, would choose the man (assuming similar personalities and competence of the competing candidates). If the men of a corporation had the choice, an even larger percentage would be likely to prefer mascu­line superiors. This is a fact of life, unlikely to change in the near future. Source.

An article against war protests:

Violence is too common for mention. One need only glance at the newspaper head­lines to realize that the seeds of revolution are being sown through­out the country today. The assault on a single day last April of 185,­000 demonstrators against the Vietnam War with displays of hatred for our country and con­tempt for its laws and institutions is example enough. Source.

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