Were people actually happy for you when they found out you’re richer than they thought?

At face value, everyone seemed to be happy that I was ambitious and had a good career path...until we had fights. I don't think they come from a place of malice, but I've had people use my status against me or lash out at me when they felt stressed about their own finances.

One of my friends once bit my head off (called me selfish, insensitive, whatever other names), because I asked ''so whaddya wanna do for lunch?'' in a nonchalant way. I didn't mean we should go out for lunch, or even spend money in any way, I was just asking cause she mentioned she was hungry. I understand the frustration of being broke, but I felt that was uncalled for. You can't treat people like shit because you're insecure. This same person also spends all her money on weed.

I've had people tell me I live in a bubble and don't know anything about the ''real world'' (my parents were immigrants and had scrap, I studied my ass off and graduated top of my class, paid my own rent throughout school too). Countless other things. Funny thing is, these people regularly ask me for loans, some owing me upwards of a thousand dollars. The real kicker is their parents pay for their living expenses, but somehow I'm in the bubble.

It took me way too long to realize this was unacceptable.

/r/financialindependence Thread