Werkloosheid daalt spectaculair, aantal leefloners stijgt fors: “Geen hoera-stemming over dalende werkloosheidscijfers”

Because the definition of unemployment is the situation of actively looking for employment, but not being currently employed.

In the past, some "unemployed" people were abusing the system, just like MrWFL explained. Now, those people are kicked off of unemployment benefits.

Those unemployment benefits are higher than the leefloon, so we as a society save money by not giving it to people who clearly don't deserve it.

On top of that, they don't waste the time of our administration anymore (and of the VDAB), so we save on that front as well.

If these people get their act together, and really show effort to go want to work again, they can get their unemployment benefits back.

It's really not that hard to understand, and it is in fact really fair. These new measures stop fraud, and so I am all for it.

/r/belgium Thread Parent Link - m.hln.be