The West should join with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic State

This article makes the assumption that the US actually wants to eliminate IS and that Russia actually wants to eliminate IS. I have a feeling that this has nothing to do with IS on either side and is much more about Global dominance via oil (sweetheart deals, control of oil reserves, price control, etc.) and strategic military bases of operation to ensure that dominance. If you think about it, the US doesn't want to destroy IS as they're the enemy of our enemy (and current guardian of the Syrian oil fields), the Assad regime. Right now IS is useful to the US as they're fighting assad and also are keeping Iran busy in a number of ways. We know where there senior commanders and training camps are, yet we don't bomb them because of potential "collateral damage" which is complete bullshit to anyone who has followed the US drone campaign during the War on Terror. At the same time, Putin wants in on Syria for similar reasons but IS is not truly why the Russians are there. The Russians have been hurting from the sanctions the US imposed and by the drop in the price of oil. By controlling Syria the Russians could bring the price of oil back up and stimulate their economy. It should also be noted that Russia has been pissed off about NATO's involvement in Crimea and Ukraine amongst other things like the proposed missile defense shield from a few years ago, the more recent financial sanctions, etc. The way they see it, if NATO is going to get involved in what they consider Russian business (in Crimea), they will go title for tat and get involved in NATO's business in Syria as each represents a strategic potential gain for the other in terms of positioning for Global dominance. Russia is just in Syria to make sure NATO doesn't get what they want strategically there at the end of the conflict. They don't really care about Assad (outside of the fact that he favors Russia vs NATO/West) or IS. They're simply there to make sure NATO doesn't secure Syrian oil via proxy/puppet government and sweetheart deals after the conflict. Oh, did I mention Syria is buying lots of weapons from Russia? Yeah, the longer rhe war goes, the more money Russia makes via those arms sales.

Sadly it appears, to me at least, like it's all bullshit global positioning on both sides. Really terrible that so many people have to die for this, most of whom don't care at all about Russia or the West.

/r/russia Thread Link -