Westerners (i.e. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians, etc) of Reddit, does India seem more culturally different to you than other non-Western countries?

India seems more unique then most East Asian countries because they largely have not tried to imitate the west culturally as much. If you go to a wedding in China, South Korea, Japan, etc you will likely see the man dressed in a western suit and the woman dressed in a white wedding gown— and they do this because they saw westerners do it and decided to imitate it. The clothing style in general is western in most East Asian countries. Then there is religion— Hinduism is very different from Christianity (the main western religion) but Islam is not that different— so the belief systems of Islamic countries are not as different as what one might observe in the west, or at least in older times. The food is very unique due to the abundance of native spices, and many Indians are vegetarians, still rare in the west. Most other countries are full of meat eaters. So all these things make India very unique. But my observation is that once Indians immigrate to the west, they assimilate more easily than many other immigrants. This is because they often know English, are used to living in a democratic society, and are familiar with British traditions, which are generally well known throughout the western world.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread