There are tens of millions of people practicing abstinence. I would assume pedophiles could do the same. If they can't, well then it's medical castration. The consequences of failing to stop them are too high to take so many risks.

There's a term, I can't remember the exact name, but the basic theory is that if you want to do something horrible to your population, you start by doing it to paedophiles.

First, you mandate that paedophiles be chemically castrated. Hey, they're paedophiles. Who cares? The risks are too high. Then you go to war and you start mandating that people of the nationality you are fighting in the war get castrated/executed. What if they decide to fight for their country? The risks are too high.

Admittedly, it does get slippery slope pretty fast, but it is something to think about.

Also, if you think abstinence for your entire life is easy for anyone without support, I encourage you to never fuck your preferred gender for the rest of your life and see how easy you find it.

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