We've been saying that for 4 games!

Controversial as it will be to say, since I couldn't even begin to say who you'd cut from the over-all cast, but I think Cold Steel in particular is hurt by just how big the original class 9 is. If both new and old class nine had the same number of members each (assuming 5) Then I don't think the back half of the series would feel quite so bloated.

Sure the series has a LOT more characters then just the main cast/class, but they are the main focus even so. By cutting down the numbers in the original/old class 9, you'd end up with better flowing dialog and scenes (10 people discussing a topic is tough, but manageable, 15 is well beyond manageable).

If we'd had just the class-size that went on exercises, and not so many we had to split them up, in the original 2 games? I think people would have a lot less to complain about the series bonkers character numbers. That would put the main cast in line more with all the other games in the series, if a bit bigger because you do kinda have 2 entirely different main cast/parties across 4 total games.

But, even though I think from a writer/storyteller perspective were I do act as an editor for someone turning in this massive story too me I would very much push them to combine and/or eliminate some of the main cast..I wouldn't know where to begin in this case.

Like, smart might be to combine Machias and Jusis, Elliot and Gaius, Fie and Millie, Heck you could combined Emma and Laura or Alisa. Not all of those, but a few of them for sure would be a much tighter narrative, if the plan was always to go a full 4 games/introduce another 5+ people to the main cast. But boy, oh boy, even my writing those out is likely to trigger some people.

/r/Falcom Thread Link - i.redd.it