Not sure what's up with the silent downvote army but they're certainly enjoying this

You seem to be sure of your incorrect position on this point, but you are unsure of why you are being downvoted? I'll do what I've done to this point: I'll explain to you your error. It's up to you to accept it or not. Ready? Here it comes.

You are being downvoted because you are wrong and also because you stand by your wrong position in light of the facts.

Have you done seen the light, oh vernacular-using slang man?

PS - people who speak like this sound like abject idiots to those in the know. It's amusing that you say you know the difference, but yet feel the need to speak sub-intelligently. I guess that goes a long way towards explaining your need to triple-down on your mistake.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it