Jesus Christ dude, get the sand out of your vagina

Theyre just asking questions

Jumping down someone's throat for asking questions on a religion that is vastly misunderstood and also demonized is the stupidest, most immature response. The fuck is the matter with you

The fuck is this chip on your shoulder? Jesus I lived through 9/11 in nyc and went through a lot of bullshit and nonsense and I would never insult someone for asking questions. You twat-burger

Your explanation is trash by the way. Like everything about it. Its not even accurate nor representative of islam. Its just hatred and immaturity

Disney is promoting gay lifestyle? You think Disney has an insidious agenda, as opposed to trying to represent everyone equally? This is Q-anon levels of paranoia

Your overt homophobic views suggest a lot about you, by the way. Loudly.

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