What do you think of the 2020 budget allocating 100 million dollars to a project led by Ivanka Trump?

I thought your reply was interesting considering that it's pretty clear that more intolerant and radical elements are coming from The Right, which was even on display in this very thread. I communicated this to you.

Go through this list and then find me one that is comparable on the Right.


The fact is, The "left" and I don't mean liberals in general, are showing how intolerant they are. There is nothing even close to the amount of hate and attacks from the left.

: if the Left is SO intrinsically intolerant, why is that not on display in this thread? In fact, why are we currently seeing the opposite -- homophobic and misogynistic NN comments?

A lot of people come here in good faith. When I try to talk with people in more liberal subs, you get insulted into the ground. The national news attacks Trump supporters as racists and bigots.

even though people you align yourself with are literally spreading hate speech that relates directly to me.

If by "associate", you mean people in the same sub as where I post.

Ok, I'll ask her how she's doing if we ever meet but it's unlikely as I'm in LA.

Do you think she is tolerant?

Please look at the list I provided. You will see the political violence and rhetoric is coming from the left.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters Thread Parent