What is this?

So, I actually bothered to type this into a hex to string converter, here's what I got:

=== DNE NOISSIMSNART === .namriahC ehT ,dengiS .raw eht niw lliw eW ,noitan neddih ruo lievnu ew nehW ,sbaL ypooL rof elttab rieht gninniw era snooT eht elihW .gniksater rof yletaidemmi namriahC ehT ot troper ot rehgih ro 8 level fo sgoc lla gniksa era ew ,tluser a sA ,liaf ot stiucric yramirp ruo esuac yltcerid taht "sgag" decnavda gnipoleved nugeb evah snooT ehT ,ycarcomed ruo fo erutcurtser eht gniwollof secnavda lacigolonhcet ruo etipseD ecalaP s'otulP lartneC siloportnooT enaL sbaL ypooL :yletaidemmi evitceffe senoz-toh gniwollof eht morf taerter lacitcat lluf a gniussi era eW === TRATS NOISSIMSNART === dnammoC goC :morF spoorT dnuorG goC :oT

Then, I put it into a reverse text generator.

To: Cog Ground Troops From: Cog Command === TRANSMISSION START === We are issuing a full tactical retreat from the following hot-zones effective immediately: Loopy Labs Lane Toontropolis Central Pluto's Palace Despite our technological advances following the restructure of our democracy, The Toons have begun developing advanced "gags" that directly cause our primary circuits to fail, As a result, we are asking all cogs of level 8 or higher to report to The Chairman immediately for retasking. While the Toons are winning their battle for Loopy Labs, When we unveil our hidden nation, We will win the war. Signed, The Chairman. === TRANSMISSION END ===

/r/Toontown Thread Link - i.redd.it