What to do about black mold?

First of all, your landlady should take care of it. Notify her and she's obligated to organize someone who'll get rid of it.

So far it's in your bathrooms. These rooms are obviously hard to avoid. I'd recommend you only use the bathroom which has the least mold infestation.

I had the same problem a month ago. However, it was in our bedroom. We had to sleep in the living room. Our landlady was incredibly slow with organizing someone and therefore we decided to take matters in our own hands.

I bought chlorine-cleaner and desinfectant and sprayed the entire mold full of it. Then I removed the surface mold and sprayed it all again. First the chlorine and then the desinfectant. You should use a mask for this.

It will smell like a swimming pool for a couple days due to the chlorine but it'll remove the mold 100%.

Ofc your mold may be different than mine so I can't be certain. It's worth a shot though.

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