What about a natal chart could indicate a great sense of humor? People tell me I’m funny all the time and I actually want to be a comedian/entertainer. Here’s my chart if you’re so inclined to provide examples! Xo

I definitely see the presence of a comedian here. Personally, I feel like highly sensitive people are some of the best comedians, as are people who’ve experienced a depth of darkness. I also feel like Chiron is a major influence for comedy.

You’re a cancer rising, that’s a highly sensitive placement. You can pick up on what’s unspoken, the undercurrent of things and general mood. You’ve got a mercury retrograde, you might speak and think in an offbeat manner. That definitely could add to why people find you humorous.

And you’ve got Chiron and the NN conjunct your ic. Chiron is the basis of who you are, the wounded healer and they do say laughter is the best medicine. The NN adds vulnerability, you just gotta lean into being vulnerable.

Add Gemini venus in the 11th/12th house. Perfect, that adds charm into group situations and Pluto in the 5th house LOVES darkness and having all of the attention. Yeah, you’ve got a good chart for it.

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