What do you think about this prenup?

I told OP the pre-nup would screw her over if enforced in a previous comment that you apparently didn't read.

OP says "I am from a country with a tradition of men working and women protecting the house." That is fine for her culture. But in the US that tradition as a mainstay went out in the 50s to early 60s.

She seems to want that type of marrage where the man works and the woman takes care of the home front. That type of marriage in the US comes from a Judeo-Christian interpretation of marriage where the wife submits and the husband leads.

My comments to her, if you read them all, are basically that this type of marriage is fine as long as the woman realizes it is not a one-way street of her taking and him giving and it incorporates male leadership and female submission. This is also known as "no one rides for free" as there is always a tradeoff.

If she wants an equal partnership marriage then she should let go of her cultural ideal of marriage and realize that the same type of marriage over here will play out like a Leave It To Beaver episode.

Some like it, some don't. Her fiancé does not want this type of marriage so he came up with a ridiculous pre-nup. He knows and I'm sure she knows it. But in her mind she has her parents' version of marriage playing as background music.

Now, will she marry this guy after being warned? Probably.

/r/Marriage Thread Parent