What is it about rednecks/hillbillies/trailer trash that you personally resent and can't stand?

In what way is my post racist or bigoted? I'm not going to hide the fact that I despise rednecks/trailer trash, working a job that puts me in direct contact with them most days. I see how they behave. I don't judge people based upon their race/religion/culture/sexual orientation, I judge people on how they act in order to perpetuate the negative stereotypes associated to their race/religion/culture/sexual orientation. Poor white people have every opportunity in this country to work hard, stay in school, graduate, pursue a career in a field of their choosing and get ahead like everyone else, instead, based on my own observations, they prefer to drop out of school, have as many children as they possibly can (usually out of wedlock and without the sperm donar in the picture) regardlessofwhether they can afford them , live in poverty, get drunk and do drugs, sponge off government assistance rather than get a job, squander their meager income on fast food, lottery tickets, cigarettes and alcohol, commit crime, drive while under the influence, be loud, obnoxious and confrontational in public, have violent fights in public, and wilfully and sometimes pridefully embrace their ignorance and lack of class/social grace.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent