What activity do you enjoy doing?

Reading - books, manga, manhwa and way too much fanfiction. "Researching" my current obsessions. Compiling various random and highly specified lists. Playing with my makeup, experimenting and trying different looks/techniques. Writing - everything from fanfiction to recipes to poetry to excessively detailed reviews on all my favourite things. Long solo meandering walks in secluded paths while listening to angsty emo music from my teens and playing PoGo. Baking yummy treats and experimentally tweaking my recipes like a mad scientist. Dancing along to my favourite k-pop choreography and watching silly interviews with my faves. Dabbling in various crafts that take my fancy from collages to crochet to ceramics. Solo cinema trips. Elaborate at home movie nights. Watching a ton of anime. Listening to my favourite songs/albums/artists on a loop until I've memorized all the lyrics. Rewatching my favourite movies until I can quote them verbatim. Getting dressed up & going to see a live theatre show. Film photography. Trying cute new dessert shops and restaurants with cuisine that I've never tried before. Just chilling and day dreaming in my OTT blanket fort.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread