What actually impresses you in a guy compared to what guys thinks impresses you?

What doesn't impress me are things like having a nice car, if you have knowledge about sports things, if you have a big dick, if you work out, if you make a lot of money, if you've had a lot of sex and are "good at it" apparently, and other dumb superficial things. Like it's fine if you identify with these thing but telling them to me is definitely not going to impress me. At most me reaction is going to be, "Oh okay, that's nice," and that's it.

I don't want this to come across the wrong way - this is AskWomen and y'all were asked your opinion - but…you just listed the lion's share of what many men are interested in. We like cars. We like sports. We want a big dick, even if we don't talk about it. Working out makes us feel better about ourselves, increasing self-confidence. We definitely take pride in being good at sex, although it shouldn't be a talking point.

Point being: if you're reaction to most the things your man cares about is, "'Oh okay, that's nice,' and that's it," you're basically saying you don't care in the least what your guy cares about - even if it's important to him.

There are some guys who don't care about those things, and if you find one you'll be compatible. But if you meet a guy who does care about those things and your reaction is essentially, "Who cares?" that relationship is probably going to have its share of valleys.

I guess my point is, if many of the things you were interested in, your BF's reaction was just like, "whatevs" eye roll you probably wouldn't think it was very nice and may even hurt your feelings. Relationships are give-and-take, and sometimes we have to fake it because we care. That said, thanks for your honesty.

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