What advice can you give a super inexperienced 30/F who is just entering the dating world for the first time?

Hi I'm sorry for replying to this bc I'm not a guy, but I had a similar experience a few years back and would kick myself if I didn't share this.

I was always tall, lanky and dorky and had zero--I mean literally z E r o-- interest from men almost my whole life. Then a few years ago, I toned up/ grew into my body and suddenly interest picked up and I was thrust headfirst into the dating world. If I could go back and tell myself not to date the first man who called me beautiful, I would. He was such an ass and I didnt know I could do any better because I didn't go slow or take my time or date around. I just jumped into a relationship with the first man who validated me and he was manipulative, unfaithful, and a pig.

So get this- you're beautiful. You were beautiful 110 pounds ago. Don't gain your confidence from men, and don't let them validate your existence.

Most importantly, don't use tinder. Don't let men shop for you. Especially being new to dating, it's a lot healthier if it comes about in a real way. And go on lots of first dates.

/r/AskMen Thread