What is all this fuss about a Tumblr blackout?

No one is discounting that some white people have faced similar situations and struggles, especially outside the US. But this is a specific issue regarding a specific topic which covers a broad range of people. That broad range being- people who are black. Just because there are outlying circumstances doesn't mean we have to disregard a majority.

I did make a point to specify the issues specific to the US, but let's not forget this is the English speaking part of the internet, whose users are predominantly from native English speaking countries- and the ones with the biggest populations are the US, Canada, The UK, and Australia. Thus, when you're on the English speaking part of the web, conversations will largely tend to carry the cultural baggage of those countries as that is where a majority of the English speaking internet users are from.

And in those countries there is a clear white majority with a history of oppressing black people and other POC minorities. In those countries white people may deal with some racism from minorities, some more than others, and some might be told from birth they are worthless by society at large for something outside their control. They can be born into low income families with deadbeat dads and so on, but their skin color is still a privilege in this society. They won't be regularly stopped at police checkpoints or by airport security "randomly" because their skin makes them "look suspicious". Western media still caters largely to the white demographic. There is literally no slur for white people in the English language that can compare to the N-word. The most worst off white person in these countries will still have advantages over any POC in their exact same situation. It sounds ridiculous and hyperbolic, but unfortunately true.

So nobody is saying that white people who face racism is other countries, or white people who have it hard in these countries don't exist. They are simply irrelevant to this particular issue. Their issues are something else entirely, and getting involved in this movement to try and make it about themselves instead of the original intention does nothing to serve or help them and only serves to confuse, distract, fracture, and hurt the original message.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread