What is all this fuss about a Tumblr blackout?

Your argument was that the poor white kid complaining about his lot in life is "being a poor winner."

You know in America, a black person is far less likely to starve to death or die of Ebola than a black person whose ancestors were not forcibly removed from West Africa. Best not complain if you're poor and black in America. You're still benefiting from your privilege as an American, so it's just being a poor winner compared to starving kids in Africa.

It's fucking ridiculous to rank and create a picking order out of who's the biggest victim of the established socioeconomic order. In fact, by doing so, you are exactly following the plan the establishment has set out for you.

On the plantations in the colonies, the fields were worked by both white indentured servants and black slaves. And in the early days, they were treated equally horribly. The owners do not give a shit what color their slaves are, so long as their toiling makes them rich. Few indentured servants lived past their seven years of labor to pay for their passage. It was a trap.

So black slaves and white indentured servants had nothing to lose, and they would team up, help each other escape and try to live free or liberate others from the owners. And that's when the owners essentially invented modern racism. They made things slightly less shitty for the white indentured servant. 10 hour days instead of 12. Slightly less leaky hovels. Bread with fewer worms. And severe punishments for consorting with and aiding blacks. And they justified this based on race.

Divide and conquer. Now the poor blacks and the poor whites are at odds over their unequally shitty treatment instead of looking at the big house where the rules are made and marching on it. And you're still hung up on the same shit. Berating poor white people for being "poor winners" in a game they didn't design and don't want to play.

You're really sticking it to the man by reading from the exact script he wrote for you.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread