What am I supposed to do about my husband who’s version of sleepwalking is essentially sexual assault?

He might be able to do an at home sleep study. My insurance required that and an overnight pulse oximetry test before one in a proper sleep clinic. It was pretty easy and not all invasive. What you do after that depends on the results. Mine showed no obstruction, but I was randomly dropping into the mid 70s for my O2 sats, so I have supplemental O2 when I'm sleeping until we figure out what's causing it. If there's an obstruction, many people get a c-pap machine, or occasionally surgery to address the cause of the obstruction.

Having your O2 sats dip as low as mine do repeatedly and poor quality sleep is a risk for dementia. I work in memory care, and while we've made improvements in that field, there's no cure. No one wants to live put their last few years in a care setting where evrryone is always declining. If for no other reason than decreasing his chances of dementia, he should schedule an appointment asap. If he needs a specialist, many have longer than normal times for appointments due to the covid backlog.

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