What American stereotype is the most accurate?

My bad, I meant more along the lines of like more and more of the 99% (the lower half of the 99% I suppose) seem to be struggling as the years go. A lot of ppl around me have talked about issues with money, and I can attest to that as well. My rent has gone up four times in the last five years, food prices are going up, gas prices are still meh, and starting in January I have health insurance (need antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds and a therapist hopefully) and it seems impossible to save. And I’ve been TRYING I tell you lmao, some weeks I eat basically just toast for every meals with a few apples and bananas here and there, and there’s never some money to save. Not to trauma dump or anything I’m sorry, just a lot of ppl around me seem to be dealing with more or less the same. Especially lots of ppl my age.

And honestly I don’t give a shit what phone I have, lmao. I see switching phones as a nuisance, and don’t understand the consumerism mindset ppl have behind things like that. The phone I have is from 2018 and I don’t want a new phone until this one is literally unusable

I realize it’s a week later, just now looking into my notifications. Whoever you are, hope you’re well and have a happy holiday!

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent