What is an asshole-ish behavior that you refuse to rectify? Please explain why.

Yeah, fun and games until you do it to a child like mine who is special needs and has no idea what you're talking about. I had someone try to "correct" my severely autistic son by telling him to not be a brat, quit crying, and them telling me he needed his ass beat so he'd shut up in public (target). My son was crying from being overstimulated and was attempting to calm down before some random stranger decided it was okay to talk to my son that way and cause him to break down further. If a kid is hurting an animal, sure, go ahead and stop them, that would be the correct thing to do. But very wrong is pretty variant depending on who you're talking to and could include a child having a tantrum (normal child behavior), or a child like mine who is just trying to function in society and gets overwhelmed. My son doesn't look like he has any disabilities but he does. It's really important to understand that people with disabilities exist and deserve to be in public as well. Just because you don't like a behavior doesn't mean it's wrong.

Just wanted to put that out there since so many people think it's appropriate to approach my son in situations where I am trying to assist in altering his behavior so that he is better suited to being in public situations without meltdowns. My child is not your fucking business unless my child is destroying something of yours or harming someone else. Period.

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