What is an example you have of someone thinking life is unfair, but in reality they cause most of their own problems?

I have a few to share, but I will keep them short and start with this one:

One of my roommates during military trades training was absolutely terrible with money and he was always broke. A perk of being in the military we were given an annual allowance to spend on traveling to our next of kin (NoK). The catch is that you need to provide receipts and proof that you actually traveled. He applied for an advance on his annual NoK trip and was given about $1500. He received this money on a Friday and proceeded to spend it all at the bar over the weekend. Flash forward to Christmas bloc leave for the trades school and everyone needs to have a holiday leave plan. He is still broke and cannot afford to fly home for the holidays and will have to stay in barracks.

He goes on a massive rant about how the military is fucking him over because he will need to repay the advance he took. We let him blow off some steam before my other roommate asked him: "What the fuck did you spend your advance on?" His reply was "essentials to get by" to which another roommate retorted with a condescending tone: "booze and smokes are essential these days, goddamn!" This made broke roommate even more pissed off, so he called us every name and slur he could come up with. He then slammed the door, and stormed off to the bar to charge drinks to one of his credit cards.

/r/AskMen Thread