What an odd dealbreaker

My natural body odor smells like some really skunky Mary jane depending on

What Are the Causes of Body Odor?

The human body has many systems that are constantly at work, and waste byproducts are simply part of that process. The digestive process results in waste, our skin sweats to excrete waste, and the cells in our bodies are constantly replacing themselves. Just as we take in food, we put out waste. Body odor often occurs when inadequate bathing or hygiene fail to properly clean up the 'messes' our bodies make. Sweat contains bacterial activity and allowing it to dry on the skin can produce body odor. But it can also result from systemic deficiencies within the body.

In women, menstruation and stress often dramatically increases the degree of body odor. Yeast conditions such as candida can produce a beer-like smell since yeast can turn sugar into alcohol quickly within the body. Medical tests at Imperial College in London has shown that some people with body odor have ‘friendly bacteria’ imbalances.

Foods rich in the amino acid carnitine (found in beef and pork) are known to leave residues in the intestines which have to be worked on by the natural digestive flora. Specific enzymes known as flavin monooxygenases break the residues down to an odorless state ready for excretion. If they are in poor supply, missing, or bowel flora is disturbed, a “fishy” body odor can result.

Whats most important is that another function of the sweat glands in your armpits is to excrete toxins from your body. That's why sweating is an important part of maintaining optimum physical health. You have to give your body a chance to get rid of various toxins through a variety of metabolic processes. Those include urination, passing fecal matter, exhaling carbon dioxide and other toxins through the lungs, and, of course, eliminating toxins through the skin. The skin, remember, is your body's largest organ. Dangers can arise when we use 'anti-perspirant' deodorants as these block the pores and do not allow the toxins to come out.


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