What are the best free online certificates you can complete that will actually look good on a resume?

Not really what you're asking, but as a recruiter (in IT), I've almost never talked about any certification with any candidate, unless they brought it up for some reason. Most certifications are short and don't actually mean that much, unless you have some months long ones it won't make any difference to me.

We never considered one candidate more than another because of a cert, what mattered was always experience + what happened in interviews and technical tests, the CV itself is mostly forgotten at that point.

Might sound odd, but having a few (serious) certifications/courses in fields totally unrelated are something we kind of consider as a better point than certs in your own field. Being open-minded and curious about other things is a good point too, often missing in IT. Also CPR/suicide prevention or similar training will always be a plus for us.

Might be very IT specific (and even more "companies I worked for" specific) though, could be quite different in other fields/companies.

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