What are the best Heroes for making a difference in Gold and below when you have no teamwork?

But honestly? the best thing you can do is to buy a mic and communicate with your in game team. Even if it's just getting everyone to coordinate when to push, having people on the same page helps a ton.

I bought a new mic specifically for this game. I get on chat every match. It seems about a half of the other people are willing to even press the button to join group voice chat at all. Some people refuse to even listen in. "Why should I join just to hear you complain?" is a real quote from this season that the person in text said before anyone said anything at all in text or even voice. There was no reason for that.

Even when all 6 people are in voice it's unusual that more than 1 or 2 people are willing to speak up, call out, or strategize. Call outs get ignored even with other people in voice. Calls to push are ignored. Calls to focus on Bastion/Pharah/whomever is being the biggest problem are ignored. "That's not my job".

I get on voice, try to stay positive, call out, and try to get the team to work together. When it works it's wonderful. But that kind of thing only seems to happen in 1/5 of games at best.

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