What are the best ideas, philosophies or mechanics of a tabletop RPG?

Whoa! Practically every RPG, no matter how bad it is, has its perks that shine. But alright. I'll do my best to sort some ideas out, that I really loved.

Having an index which explains the most important terms directly, not by page reference. 13th Age had such a great index.

Offering a quick and easy way to structure your game is missing in practically every game but Dream Park. After all these years this little guide still helps me.

Character creation explained on your character sheet is really helpful. Vampire the Masquerade did a great job here.

Trappings for characters and items are a great way to keep the rules simple while offering a great variety. D&D Gamma World offers that. You have light or heavy weapon. One or two handed. That's about it. What kind of weapon that is is absolutely up to you to decide. Likewise your armour and your origins are subject to interpretation as you like. This is just great.

Your opponent is in range if it is cool that he is in range. I loved this rule in the Angel rpg.

You get extra bonus when you do something cool as seen in Exalted 1st edition. You may attack your opponent for your standard dice pool or you may describe some really cool attack and get extra dice. Nice.

/r/rpg Thread