What are the differences between ESFJs and ENFJs?

While this is an old post, I wanted to add something to what Leveragechaos said because I felt he was being unusually harsh. I also have been doing a lot of thinking recently pertaining to the differences between our types.

One thing to note is that ENFJs want to change people from the inside. Who you are, how you think, etc. They can be quite... Big-Brother-y.

ESFJs are cliquey yes because of Si. We prefer the known to the unknown.

And we do prefer people we know and care about (usually close friends and family) to get in order with what we think is best in terms of practical matters. Just like ENFJs, we want to help people but based on our own definition.

However, a major difference is that we do not necessarily attempt to change people inherently. Like I said, the focus is on practical matters.

ENFJ: To a person they've just met 30 minutes ago; "You should consider changing from x college major to y major, and then go for z career. It's better for you". ESFJ: To a friend they've known for some time; "You shouldn't change majors right now, because in the past you have done so. There's a risk you'll change majors again."

/r/ESFJ Thread