What are DJs adjusting during their live sets when it appears they are turning knobs and briefly listening to their headphones?

((( O )))) (((( K )))) you are doing that too much. try again in 9 minutes. you are doing that too much. try again in 8 minutes. Wait a minute, and not 8, nor 9 but who the heck is telling ME that I am doing WHAT "too much?" Try what again in "X" minutes. It said I'm doing but then it said I'm trying by stating to try again. See this doublethink newspeak bullshit? I'm either doing something too much or I'm trying something too much but this reddit machine says I'm doing both at the same time. You can't do AND try at the same time and it didn't even specify WHAT i'm try-doing which calls for "doing" IT again in "X" minutes. Do you see how insane this is? you are doing that too much. try again in 5 minutes. 5 minutes. Okay, how long is five minutes. Can it be measured? 300 seconds you say? Okay, How long is a second I ask you? You are unable to say? Okay, let's use the vibration of a cesium atom as a reference. It vibrate a certain number of times and we arbitrarily pick that number based on the amount of surface area the earth has rotated. The sun and our dark/light periods are the basis for our "minutes" from "seconds" which atomic clocks uses cesssium atom vibrations or something to keep it "accurate" but how long is a second? How long is .5 seconds? How long is .05 seconds? I think I can go to an infinite (if I were capable of this consciousness for infinity) amount of fractions of a second but that's impossible though. How can an infinite amount of time exist in only one second? you are doing that too much. try again in 1 minute. Okay, it just told me to wait 60 plus lifetimes or sixty cycles comprising an infinite amount of fractions of seconds. Are you believing this bullshit? you are doing that too much. try again in 11 seconds. Okay, THERE's the clearance code. Everyone knows what 11 seconds mean...

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