What are you doing this weekend?

Oops. I just reread your post and I overlooked this part: "Not just your normal routine, but something extra". I'm going to leave my marigold story below anyway, because I wanted to share it! I did get a Lego set from Amazon this week; I've never built a Lego set, not even as a kid, so that falls under not normal routine/something extra. I'm going to build it this weekend if I'm feeling good.

I'm probably going to do stuff just in my yard, which is what I tend to do most of the time because of my agoraphobia. On a good day in August I got a packet of marigold seeds from the dollar store on clearance for 20 cents. I started the seeds in two big planters, thinning and transplanting them as they grew up, and now I have two planters and three flowerbeds just bursting with huge orange, maroon and yellow marigolds. It's awesome, really. I hate summer (heat makes me sad and anxious), but I do love watching a seed turn into a plant and taking care of it the best I can. It makes me feel useful, and gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I have little to be proud of or to feel worthwhile about.

/r/Agoraphobia Thread