What are games you would not recommend to anyone?

7 days to die. What an absolutely pathetic port. The render range alone should of been enough for them to not put it out. Also, couldn't seem to find a way to play on dedicated servers. Could not find an option. So you have to join in on some randoms game that is tied to wether they start up their save or not. Seems like you don't keep your stuff which I understand but what is even the point of joining random people's games who are only going to stay on for a few hours at best? Watching PC streams of it made me sooooooo exciting when I saw it came to gamepass. As soon as I loaded in and saw the game struggling to render in a few hundred feet at a time ... I knew it wasn't goona turn out good. Not too forget .... The reviews are just filled with people losing their bases to a glitch. Talked to some buddy's of mine and they said that's why they stopped playing ... And that was years ago suppesdly. Don't waste your time!

/r/XboxGamePass Thread