What Are You Into? (13 Sept - 19 Sept)

I had been looking for it for years, but even though publishers (mainly Dalkey) kept threatening to put it back in print it never came. One time it popped up on B&N's website but after ordering it they sent me a "whoops we don't have it" email. I looked through many a used bookstore just in case but no dice. Occasionally I would do a quick online search and see if it was back and it never was. I just wasn't willing to spend what was asking. And then one day this summer, there it was.

The chapters following the two main characters, written without a framing device, make good enough sense. The chapters of the same characters from the POV of the angels are incredibly difficult to parse. The short stories scattered throughout the book are written in a very straightforward and easy-to-read fashion, and they are quite compelling, but I don't know their purpose yet beyond being set in the same city. If there's a thematic connection, then I don't think I'm going to suss it out on the first read.

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