What Are Iran’s Capabilities to Retaliate Against the U.S. Forces After Soleimani Strike?

I'm saying we should kill those who keep staying their goal is to commit genocide, which is exactly what the theocratic government of Iran continually says about Israel.

If your government keeps threatening The Hyperpower, you shouldn't expect to have powerplants very long.

It's not about getting them to like us, it's about stopping their terrorism and continual threats.

You keep seeing things I'm not writing. I've never said cakewalk but again sure, as compare to WW2 or a fight with China it would be an absolute cakewalk. It obviously wouldn't require a draft and it likely wouldn't even impact the day to day lives for the vast bulk of Americans.

You'll be happy to know not a policy maker but I do work in the defense industry. I've also spent time in several middle eastern countries and worked with Arab militaries to a limited amount so I most definitely am familiar with what I am talking about.

/r/LessCredibleDefence Thread Parent Link - theaviationist.com