What are the lasting social, economic, and cultural effects of Operation Condor (US led operation during the Cold War) on each of your home countries?

Our armed forces are not Bolsonaro's lapdog, it's the other way around, Bolsonaro is the military's lapdog.

I don't know, dude. I used to think like you but with so much shady shit going on right now, I can't help but think that they have grown so complacent that even a small man like Bolsonaro can gain control over them just because he offers them condensed milk and good meat for churrasco.

The armed forces, in Brazil, very much act like a political party and form a basis for sustaining the clown in power.


That's why they got so angry when the Parlamentiary Inquiry Comission, investigating crimes and corruption in Bolsonaro's presidency, started to investigate generals and military officials that compose the president's cabinet and ministries.

Fuck that. The Forças Armadas have indeed good men and women working in them but their entire Summit should be tried for treason after everything. We know that whoever replaces Bolsonaro next year won't have the balls to do so, of course, but it's so fucked-up that these traitors can do whatever the fuck they want and never face any consequences.

Our Republic was born in a military coup. Brazil has never known true democracy because the Forças Armadas's threat is always looming.

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