What are the main issues keeping many of the single men today single?

No offense, but I vehemently despise this narrative. The "just be yourself and someone will come along" story is such an awful and dismissive point of view. People only say this for their own benefit because it's ugly and hard to admit that some people are never going to "make it" in the dating world no matter which hoops they jump or how amazing they are. It's easier to just tell people to stop struggling and be happy with being alone than it is to admit the situation that the dating world has become where some people can do everything right and be completely and utterly rejected by everyone.

Dating, especially OLD, is a nightmare and it only makes it worse when everyone constantly acts like there's just one more thing you're missing, just one more strategy or tactic, one more hoop you haven't jumped yet.

Can't get a date? Must your photos. Oh you're a professional photographer? Must be your bio. No? Work out more, get fit! Eat a healthier diet. Still nothing? Get a hobby, no no not that hobby, you can't take a picture of that, and that one is too expensive, and that one is too nerdy. Still didn't work? Well of course not, you need friends and pictures of you smiling with them! No, you have to be smiling naturally, you can't just take a group photo! Still no interest? Where do you work, maybe it's time to get a new career, do you make six figures yet? Oh you do? Well time to make that money work for you, have you bought anything expensive to show off? No no, you can't show off your car anymore, they'll think you're an asshole. What about your fashion sense? Go read up on men's fashion, refresh your wardrobe, take some pictures but make sure they seem casual and natural. Still nothing? Have you taken any pictures of yourself on vacation, because if you haven't how do they know you have a sense of adventure? That's super key. Still nothing? Of course not, you need a dog, a cute dog to take to the park and take pictures with.

Still not working?? Well of course, you haven't tried doing none of that and instead just ✨be yourself✨. That's what you did at the start? Just wait longer. Already waited for years? Wait even longer, don't worry about all the time that's slipping by, all the opportunities to actually live life with a partner, just wait! Losing your hair, getting older and even less attractive? It's fine, just wait, they're right around the corner, and if not, then the next corner, or the one after that. Surely, no one dies alone, no one except those who really truly deserve it.

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