What are the most beneficial ways to serve humanity especially when you have less resources?

  • Help prevent global warming by taking public transport, or if you can afford drive an electrical car. Also install solar panels and have your elictricity solely generated by that. It's not only cheaper in the long run, but also helps the planet.

  • Don't reproduce. Overpopulation is a serious issues.

  • Stop supporting inhumane and immoral capitalist garbage companies like amazon, walmart etc. Someone with the capacity of for example Jeff Bezos could donate easily 80% or much more to help lower education costs, help getting everyone a medical insurance etc and still be among the 1%, if all the money hoarding old fucks like him would do that, society as a whole would be more productive, happier, smarter, and the whole economy would be thriving because of that, but sadly people like that lack any empathy for others but themselves. Stop helping to make the rich richer, is what i am saying. Especially when they treat their own workers like farm animals.

/r/AskReddit Thread