What are the most popular words for low-class people in your country?

Russian words. If you use them often - very big sign of "low-class"

Particular outliers:

"Karočia" - russian for "in short", written in Lithuanian.

"Zdarova" - very common greeting.

"Nu" - russian interjection. Lithuanian equivalent is "na". Very very common, I use it a lot.

Also russian prefixes. Although there's debate if they are actuall Russian, since Lithuanian has had them for as long as there has been written record of it. But still for some reason they are considered as "barbarisms" The most common one is "da-" For example, "damesti" - to reach something with a ball. "daeiti" - to come near something. It's basically a prefix used with verbs that signifies an action that is close to being finished or accomplished.

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