What are the negatives side effects with taking shrooms as an anti-depressant?

My most recent trip had seemed to bring on a depressive episode that I am currently going through. I perform research in psychology and find articles relevant to my work every day on the internet, yet when search for adverse effects post psychedelic experiences, the results favor only the beneficial results. I do believe a psychedelic experience can trigger either a reduction or an increase in depressive episodes and that the context of the trip itself matters heavily. As stated very well in Nutt & Harris' 2017 paper, adverse effects have been found after a psychedelic experience that is worth mentioning for further research within psychiatry in the context of psychedelic use. So, although I have no straight forward answer, it is very possible for depression to worsen after a psychedelic experience. And although, it seems much of the research opposes this statement, individual differences is the name of the game. In my experience, no matter the experience and aftermath, a psychedelic can be quite an informing event that can eventually be benefited from. Best of luck

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