What are pimps actually like?

I don’t understand why we are getting downvotes for sharing our views in a thread about the stuff I don’t deny there are horrible people and things that go on called pimping . It’s also a thing some sex workers take a lot of pride in and is a system that has life’s a lot of teams out of proverty and built them into successful well rounded people . Or maybe I’ve just imagined the last decade of my life and I’m delusional idfk but in the real world in the clubs and in the spas most independent sex workers I know look at pimp as a neutral thing and it’s the actions of the person that can turn it into hell on earth for some .... for me my life would feel really empty without my folks and I don’t want to be a sexworker in any other way . It’s my choice to make and should be respected .

/r/SexWorkers Thread Parent