What Are You Reading Post for Friday May 10 2019

Das Kapital. I'm reading an abridged edition (not any of the English-language ones) that includes parts of all 3 volumes, which is not ideal, but I don't feel like I'm at a point where I need to read all of it. It does not seem too complicated, and it's a very interesting read, but it may not be the best idea to talk about my opinions on it here!

I Am a Cat. I have not made much progress with this one yet due to reading Capital, but I loved what I read so far. The narrator does feel like an actual cat, which is super delightful to me, and the satire is universal enough that you don't need to know much about Japan to have fun with it. I don't suppose it will end up being one of my favorites, but it's certainly good enough to be worth a read.

/r/literature Thread