What are you reading? Untranslated edition

Layer #1: I believe the story,

to jump to the next perspective. SubaHibi appears to use the entire medium as a plot device, and even the alternate Kimika routes are linearly integrated as memories seen throughout a fragmented world. Each chapter begins, and then it ends with a full credit sequence, signifying the "end" of one sequence of his memory recollection.")


desires to guide Zakuro on her ritual's success in finding the meeting place of the World Girl and the Sky Girl (Hasaki). That exactly, is reflected to the conscious world, as the main story shows us the meeting between Tomosane and Hasaki at Rooftop C on July 20, 2012, with Yuki having guided Tomosane there, and Zakuro being the catalyst to it all.")

Layer #2:

Well, I think that should do it, but if you have any further questions I will try to answer them posthaste. Also btw, I did theorize most of this before becoming aware of that line lol.

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