What are some arguments both against and for anti-civ anarchism?

Are you fucking kidding me? I really don't know why I'm wasting my time with this discussion any more, as it feels like I'm being trolled, but I'll give it one last try.

If you can tell me why the needs of the few outweigh the lives of everyone, then you should explain why.

Where did I say this? All I am asking is why your fantasy world happens to reflect the hierarchies of the real world. Why is it that the needs of non-disabled cis males outweigh those of everybody else? How are you interpreting this as a claim that “the needs of the few outweigh the lives of everyone”? You sound like one of those anti-feminists who believes feminism is about subjugating men, or the white supremacists who claim that “anti-racist is code for anti-white” — any questioning of a privileged assumption is treated as an attack.

Do you still believe that I want to maintain all of modern technology?

Either you want to maintain modern technology or you're genocidal. You can't have it both ways.

I hope you are aware of the irony in your statement.

I know you are, but what am I?

You already conceded that some technology would be maintained without civilization.

Some. Perhaps. Not reliably. Not completely.

At no point did I say that all technology would be maintained, nor do I desire it to be.

And that is why I'm calling you genocidal, ableist, etc.

it is you making the positive claim (civilization is required in order to maintain modern technology) and thus it is up to you to prove this.

No, it is you proposing the utopian society, and therefore it is up to you to prove that it is even logically possible.

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